The original intention behind starting this blog was to devise a tool whereby I remedy the consequence of having a really bad memory. When I say I have a 'bad' memory it is a strange thing, somethings I remember with absolute clarity and other things play through my mind like a super 8 reel - filmic, distilled, just one frame at a time - others get stored in what seems like a very dark cupboard often brought to the fore with optimum speed by someone else's passing recollection of a shared event - revealing to me the memory was there all along but dormant, inactive and tinkering in a place between becoming irretrievable and being ultimately illuminated and vibrant.
The distance in time between the memories don't determine the clarity but instead seem inconsequential to the sequence and order - memories are not stored in my mind in any sort of chronological order.
For example every memory I have of being a child I refer to the time when I was 7, it helps other people if you pin an age to the donkey but to be honest this could mean a recollection from any point within my pre-teenage years.
However the blog was originally intended as a way to chronologically remember events, a reference point from week to week, month to month, year to year etc but there is no accounting for time and the spaces in between - so the conclusion is I must accept that this is how it is meant to be for me. The pattern of my experiences and subsequent memories is not linear, it is a non linear event - I need to sit back and enjoy the flickering resolution of gentle images, fragile chinks of imagery and the space between trying to remember and trying to forget.